MS CIVIL Engineering

The Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) program at Superior University Lahore is designed to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of civil engineering. This program is likely aimed at graduates who wish to deepen their understanding of civil engineering principles and practices, engage in research, and prepare for leadership roles in the industry or academia. The program may offer both thesis and non-thesis options to accommodate different career paths and academic interests. The curriculum has been designed with the aim of providing breadth and depth of knowledge in key areas that evolve with societal needs. Our faculty is also actively engaged in research and has won grants from HEC.

Total Credit Hours
Course Duration (Years)

Semester 1

Semester 2

CoursesCredit Hours
CoursesCredit Hours

Semester 3

Semester 4

CoursesCredit Hours
Research Thesis-I3
CoursesCredit Hours
Research Thesis-II3

Courses Details

Focus Research Areas

List of Core Courses

Sr. No Research Area
1Structural Engineering
2Geotechnical Engineering
3Hydraulics Engineering
4Environmental Engineering
Sr. NoCourses
1Advanced Reinforced Concrete
2Durability of Concrete Structures
3Advanced Steel Structures
4Advanced Soil Mechanics
5Soil Improvement Techniques
6Hydraulic Structures
7Environmental Health and Safety
8Research Methods in Engineering

List of Elective Courses

Structural Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Sr. NoCourses
1Properties of Structural Materials
2Pre-stressed Concrete
3Bridge Engineering
4Advanced Concrete Technology
5Fiber Reinforced Polymers
6Stability of Structures
7Advanced Structural Analysis
8Seismic Analysis and Design
Sr. NoCourses
1Geotechnical Investigation
2Foundation Engineering
3Dam Engineering
4Deep Foundations
5Rock Engineering
6Environmental Geo-techniques
7Soil Dynamics
8Engineering Properties of Soil
9Soil Erosion & Watershed Management

Hydraulics Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Sr. NoCourses
1Advanced Fluid Mechanics
2Applied Hydrology
3Drainage Engineering
4Ground Water Engineering
5Irrigation System Design and Management
6Water Law and Policy
7Design and Construction of Earthen Dam
8Advanced Open Channel Hydraulics
9Application of RS & GIS
10Water Quality Management
11Reservoir Operation
Sr. NoCourses
1Environmental Management and Impact Assessment
2Solid Waste Management
3Wastewater Treatment and Design
4Water Supply and Wastewater Collection System
5Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management
6Experimental Methods in Environmental Engineering
7Air and Noise Pollution Control
8Environmental Pollution Control
9Water Supply and Sewer System Design

Eligibility Criteria

Admission requirements for the MSc in Civil Engineering program at Superior University Lahore include

16 Years of education (B.S Civil Engineering) or other relevant disciplines from HEC recognized university with a minimum of 2.50/4.00 CGPA for semester system or 60% Annual System.

Admission requirements for the MSc in Civil Engineering program

Students are required to pass, Superior University Entry Test or GAT conducted by the National Testing Service (NTS) followed by the interview.

Admission requirements for the MSc in Civil Engineering program

Letters of recommendation. A statement of purpose outlining the applicant's academic interests and professional goals.

Career Prospects

Graduates of the MSc in Civil Engineering program can pursue a variety of career paths in both the public and private sectors. Potential job titles include but are not limited to:

Degree Completion Requirements

In general, a student has to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours’ worth of courses (for non-thesis) and 24 credit hours’ worth of courses and 6 credit hours of thesis work (for thesis option).

A student has to attain a minimum CGPA of 2.5 to earn the degree.

The students need to take:

  • 8 courses and a Research Thesis (Thesis Option)
  • 10 courses (Non-thesis option)
  • All courses carry 3 credit hours and the Research Thesis carries 6 credit hours.